A Glowing Story - Carlsbad Magazine

PyroFarms is featured in our local Carlsbad Magazine. The title of the article is "A Glowing Story, PyroFarms is in the Busienss of Bioluminescence". Link to article: A Glowing Story pg 34
Carlsbadians have stories of grunion, of rogue waves and the ocean glowing at night. The fortunate ones have seen waves crashing in radiant blues, watched their footprints glimmering as they walked or jumped in to swim and every stroke rippled with light. Those stories are brought to you by dinoflagellates. They are a kind of algae, part of the Phytoplankton world that is the base of the oceanic food chain and creates a greater portion of earth's oxygen. · · And certain species produce a bioluminescence that looks like magic.
Imagine if you could bottle that! PyroFarms is a Carlsbad startup that has done just that. "Grow the glow" is the motto at this company that sells dinoflagellates, or "Dinos," in a variety of containments. "We like to think of them as pets,"
PyroFarms's farm looks like a laboratory with shelves of Erlenmeyer flasks
filled with Dinos. Dinos are active at night and a little agitation produces their
luminescence. Pick up one of the Bio-Orbs and you get swirling radiance. The Dino Tiles are like small, flat waterbeds. On a tabletop it's like playing with stars. {Check out the Dino-Tile dance on the company's website, pyrofarms.com) . (more...)