Bio-Light concept five

In our quest for a renewable sustainable light source we repurposed a condenser to see how the dual flow of PyroDinos would activate bioluminescence in the model.
This test uses positive (push) flow from a peristaltic pump to achieve flow rate. In the second test we will make some minor modifications and use gravity flow which should produce a higher rate of flow and more light.
Why a quest for sustainable, natural light?
PyroDinos and all the oceans' phytoplankton could be our biggest allies in the fight against climate change. They have the power to fix carbon and cool the clime.
And due to their ocean scale mass and oxygen production, they are also responsible for about every other breath we take. Very important to us yet most people are unaware of their importance and the importance of ocean health.
D —
I love the PyroDinos, I was wondering how long would the bio light work for? That is if the constant motion wont kill the dinoflagellates?
How long do they usually live for, when properly taken care off?
What kind of nutrients do they usually consume?
Thank you.