The Bio-Light - A natural renewable light source

Our side hustle has been attempting to create a renewable light source using our natural PyroDino algae. We have learned so much from our failures and see some light at the end of the tunnel (pun intended).
This prototype is far from perfection but it does show a glimmer of hope. From this experiment, we estimate it would take about 12 to 15 liters of bioluminescent plankton (PyroDinos) to keep the Bio-Light working for about 20 minutes (using only gravity) and about an hour and a half using a small recirculation pump. And the light could run again and again throughout the night with about 1-hour rest breaks for the algae to produce more luciferin and luciferase.
The PyroDinos could recharge in filtered-sunlight the next day and produce even more light night after night after night. In theory, a battery-powered recirculation pump could use a small solar panel to recharge as well. Thus this could be a totally renewable light source with minimal care.
Of course larger volumes could overcome some of these issues but we are trying to make a practical system that can be transported and shipped easily.