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The Large Bio-Orb - Grow the Glow

The Large Bio-Orb - Grow the Glow

The Large Bio-Orb comes with two pouches 400ml (14oz) of PyroDino and 200ml DinoNutrients.  Large Bio-Orb can easily hold over 600ml (20oz) of PyroDino dinoflagellates. 

During the daytime hours, the thousands of PyroDino dinoflagellates in the Bio-Orb convert light energy to chemical energy via photosynthesis.  During this photosynthetic process, CO2 is converted to sugar and oxygen (O2) is released as a by-product.  

At night, after the dark cycle starts 'usually after 7 pm' the PyroDino dinoflagellates stop producing oxygen and start producing the light-emitting compounds known as luciferin and luciferase.  As the dark cycle progresses the amount of these light-emitting compounds increases. 

When The Large Bio-Orb is swirled during its dark cycle (night time) the light-emitting compounds interact to release natural light known as bioluminescence.  Shown here:


Buy A Large Bio-Orb: HERE


Joe Welch

I wish to get the Bio-Orb for my grandson for his birthday which will be on Nov. 6th and I want to give it to him on that date or a little earlier. I would like to know when I should order the Orb in order to be able to give it to him on his birthday and have it fresh?

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