A Dimension of Light and Sound

This short video art project entitled 'a dimension of light and sound' was created using bioluminescent dinoflagellates (PyroDinos) from PyroFarms. More about these below:
PyroDinos (dinoflagellates) are a part of the plankton community. They are also referred to as ‘algae’. PyroDino dinoflagellates are a species known as Pyrocystis fusiformis. Yes our company (PyroFarms) was named after our ‘dinos’ and not just our propensity for starting fires. If you want to get all sciency about this then these dinoflagellates are marine phytoplankton (plant-like plankton). These dinoflagellates are considered plants because they use sunlight as their main source of energy (photosynthesis).
These dinoflagellates (we call them PyroDinos) are not toxic and dangerous like other dinoflagellates that are not photosynthetic or plant-like. Are you confused - then good. You are not alone. Early scientist were limited on how to classify this diverse group of single-cell plankton. So they made up an arbitrary rule that if the diatom like cell displayed a flagella then it must be a dinoflagellate. This is like saying - if a small animal displays a tail, it must be some kind of squirrel. Or something along these lines.
Now with DNA sequencing and fossil analysis we know that these dinoflagellates have been around since before the dinosaurs roamed the earth. If they made a movie about these dinos it would be called Paleozoic Park.
Another video art project: when conscious thoughts turn to dreams
Buy dinoflagellates (PyroDinos) today: PyroDinos
Another video art project: The FluoroSphere goes next level
Amanda Spinaker —
Hosek Louis – Yes. You may add PyroDinos to a saltwater tank.
Hosek Louis —
Can this be added to a salt water aquarium…180 gal reef