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Algae is our main ally for combatting climate change

Algae is our main ally for combatting climate change

Algae could be our best ally in response to climate change. The oceans' algae do more than all land plants to reduce atmospheric carbon.   When used in bioreactors, algae is 400 times more efficient than a tree at removing CO2 from the atmosphere. In addition, algae can consume more carbon dioxide than trees because it can cover more surface area and grow faster while producing more biomass in a limited space.

algae bloom from space

Algae can be utilized in several ways to reduce carbon in the atmosphere. Besides being the most efficient solution for storing carbon dioxide, it can be easily used in various other sustainable and commercial products or materials, from tennis shoes to steel alternatives to veggie burgers.

Algae is an increasingly viable alternative for many costly climate-change solutions. Next-generation companies are recognizing this opportunity and investing now, but it's also something that everyday people can consider as they look to reduce their environmental impact.

algae bioreactor

One study estimated that one acre of algae would remove 2.7 tons of CO2 per day. This effect would be equal to 6% of Americans having a Large Bio-Orb in their home or office (just saying).  

Algae can be converted into fuel, food, energy, and more within a much smaller space. Compared to a crop like soybeans, a single hectare of algae ponds generates 27 times as much protein.

PyroDinos magnified in culture

Algae can be used for many different things after it has captured carbon. When discussing carbon capture methods, some scientists advocate burying the resulting carbon away in hopes that it doesn't return to the atmosphere. But with algae, instead of sinking it to the bottom of an ocean, for example, scientists are finding all sorts of creative and sustainable ways to use the bioenergy from algae.

Reduce your environmental impact with a Large Bio-Orb

Or grow your own: PYRODINOS


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