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Grow Your Own Dinos

Grow Your Own Dinos

Growing dinoflagellates is a lot like taking care of a plant.  After all, dinoflagellates cells are classified as plant cells.  Dinoflagellates can be grown in most any clean clear container, with an emphasis on Clean.

Most household water bottles, glass jars and vases can be used.  Here are the simple requirements:

1) The container is very Clean and free from detergents and contaminates.  

2) The container has a lid or some cover that prevents contamination and significant evaporation. 

3) The container is clear or allows a good amount of light to penetrate the container.

Clean: To clean a container use a small amount of household dish soap and rinse thoroughly.  A wash with dish soap followed by filling the container with a diluted bleach solution is optimal.  Again- rinse thoroughly.  Bleach can be diluted to 1/50 solution with tap water for effective decontamination.  Do not use full strength bleach.  Rinsing the container with a small amount of DinoNutrients is recommended before pouring your dino culture into the container. 


A water bottle that has been poured out (into a glass or other container) should be clean enough to start a new dino culture.  As long as no one has directly drank out of the container. 


Cover: A lid or cover that allows some air flow but protects from dust and debris should work fine.  Sealed containers will work too as long as the container is opened once every week or two weeks for air exchange. 

Clear: Most bottles and jars that are not heavily tinted should be adequate for growing dinos.  Clean clear plastic bags (like freezer bags) can be also be used.



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