Glowing Mycelium, Mushrooms and Angels

Bioluminescence is defined as light generated and emitted by a living organism using luciferin and a luciferase enzyme. Terrestrial bioluminescence is similar to marine bioluminescence in the compounds and chemicals involved (luciferin and luciferase). But terrestrial bioluminescence tends to be green or yellow where marine bioluminescence is usually blue.
Examples of Terrestrial Bioluminescence:
FireFly (Lightning Bug)
Bioluminescent Mushrooms and Mycelium
Examples of Marine Bioluminescence
Algal Bloom (aka red tide) dinoflagellates
and the rare Bioluminescent Angel
Enjoy bioluminescence in your home, office or classroom: HERE
Cover Photo: bioluminescent mycelium, a chunk of fresh hardwood that was inoculated with bioluminescent mycelium.
Jeremy —
I am a bioluminecanse fan all the way. If I had a room(s) it would look like a strip club
Justin —
What is the name of the mycelium species?
Justin —
What is the name of the mycelium species?