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How to Gift Bioluminescence for the Holidays

How to Gift Bioluminescence for the Holidays

How to say something smart about the person you are buying for.
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Bioluminescent Algae Bloom off the coast of San Diego

Bioluminescent Algae Bloom off the coast of San Diego

Bioluminescent algae blooms in San Diego have become more common in recent years.
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PyroFarms' Carbon Sequestration

PyroFarms' Carbon Sequestration

PyroFarms cultivates PyroDino algae, which remove CO2 from the atmosphere and produce oxygen.
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Angel Sun of NBC LIVE highlights PyroFarms' Bioluminescent Business

Angel Sun of NBC LIVE highlights PyroFarms' Bioluminescent Business

California Live’s Angela Sun reports on PyroFarms
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Adding PyroDinos to a Saltwater Aquarium

Adding PyroDinos to a Saltwater Aquarium

Go for it. It's easy to do and beautiful to behold.
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Algae is our main ally for combatting climate change

Algae is our main ally for combatting climate change

When used in bioreactors, algae is 400 times more efficient than a tree at removing CO2 from the atmosphere.
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PyroDino (dinoflagellate) images

PyroDino (dinoflagellate) images

PyroFarms grows PyroDinos using LED lights and filtered sunlight on their algae farm in Carlsbad California.
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New Algae Ink T-Shirt made with Natural Living Ink

New Algae Ink T-Shirt made with Natural Living Ink

For those of us constantly looking for ways to lessen our carbon footprint and look good doing it.
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Ten Liters (2.5 Gallons) of PyroDinos - Now available at PyroFarms

Ten Liters (2.5 Gallons) of PyroDinos - Now available at PyroFarms

Think of all the things you could do with 2.5 gallons of luminescent algae
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Bio-Light Concept 7

Bio-Light Concept 7

Bio-Light 'Concept 7' is powered by bioluminescent marine algae (PyroDinos)
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Vote for PyroFarms

Vote for PyroFarms

Vote for Pedro and then Vote for Pyro
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Bio-Orb Bio-Turtle Bio-Vase

Feeding and Cleaning Your Bio-Orb

There are three main protocols for reviving an overgrown Bio-Orb.
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Bioluminescent Bloom In San Diego

Bioluminescent Bloom In San Diego

There has been a huge bioluminescent algae bloom at our local beaches.  Here are some photos and ...
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One Liter of PyroDinos (DinoTile)

One Liter of PyroDinos (DinoTile)

Now available directly through our online store: A One Liter bag of PyroDinos (34oz)
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Flowing Light - a Pyro Whirlpool

Flowing Light - a Pyro Whirlpool

Bioluminescence is caused by a chemical reaction between a light emitting molecule and an enzyme that are generically referred to as luciferin and luciferase.
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50,000 Dinos in a Vase (PyroDinos)

50,000 Dinos in a Vase (PyroDinos)

Low and wide containers like the one in this video work better than narrow and tall containers.
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Bioluminescent Bloom in San Diego

Bioluminescent Bloom in San Diego

A bloom or algal bloom is what scientists refer to when populations of microalgae (also know as dinoflagellates and/or phytoplankton) phase into logarithmic growth
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Best images and video of 2021

Best images and video of 2021

The most liked images and video from 2021
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Sit back and relax with PyroDinos

Sit back and relax with PyroDinos

A relaxing and meditative journey using natural light (bioluminescence) and sound (432Hz).    S...
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Grow your Own PyroDinos

Grow your Own PyroDinos

A how-to video on making DYI PyroDino habitats.
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UFO? or new Bio-Light prototype

UFO? or new Bio-Light prototype

This is a polycarbonate culture flask suspended by several shock cords and filled with one liter of our PyroDinos
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Adding DinoNutrients - At Night

Adding DinoNutrients - At Night

In this tutorial we show how easy it is to take care of your Bio-Orb. The process of adding DinoN...
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PyroFarms Night Tour

PyroFarms Night Tour

A short clip from a VIP Night Tour at PyroFarms
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Bio-Orb Unboxing and Simple Set-Up

Bio-Orb Unboxing and Simple Set-Up

Setting up a Bio-Orb is really easy.
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The Bioluminescent Bio-Orb Intro

The Bioluminescent Bio-Orb Intro

Learn more about Bioluminescence, Circadian Rhythm and Photosynthesis
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Custom Dino-Tile

Custom Dino-Tile

Walking and playing on a full-sized Dino-Tile. Custom Dino-Tiles are available by special order ...
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Bio-Light concept five

Bio-Light concept five

Our quest for a renewable sustainable light source
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Fire girl on beach

Bioluminescent Beach San Diego

It is a memorable night on the beach when PyroFarms brings 40 gallons of bioluminescent algae
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The Rise and Fall of the Dinos

The Rise and Fall of the Dinos

Gravity flow of Dinos and a funky beat.  A Custom Dino-Tile on display.
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Night Waves

Night Waves

Listen to the light while viewing the music.  In this video we are playing with one of our custom...
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Best Bioluminescent Videos of 2020

Best Bioluminescent Videos of 2020

The Best of 2020 is probably an oxymoron but we will run with it anyway. Here are some of the best PyroFarms' videos of 2020.
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All about the Dinos (PyroDinos)

All about the Dinos (PyroDinos)

A deeper dive into our dinoflagellates (PyroDinos)
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The Bio-Light - A natural renewable light source

The Bio-Light - A natural renewable light source

Our side hustle has been attempting to create a renewable light source using our natural PyroDino algae
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Bioluminescent Mash Up

Bioluminescent Mash Up

If you watch the mash video carefully you will see something you have not seen before.
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Bioluminescent Tales - Mermaids are Real!

Bioluminescent Tales - Mermaids are Real!

What happens when you find a mermaid playing on your bioluminescent DinoTile? You wouldn't believe us if we told you.
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PODCAST: Bringing Bioluminescence to Your Home with PyroFarms

PODCAST: Bringing Bioluminescence to Your Home with PyroFarms

Whether you’re a marine biologist or just a fan of bioluminescence, there’s something in this episode for everyone.
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